青岛猎头公司职位-- HSEQ-S Manager
   2020-10-12 09:38:50    文字:【】【】【
职位名称:HSEQ-S Manager

Key Responsibility Areas 主要职责: List up to eight key accountabilities of the role. Key accountabilities are the areas in which the position is expected to produce results on a continuing basis and should include the action that is taken and the area the action impacts on. 列出该职位的主要职责(建议8项)。主要职责是指该职位在持续不断的基础上所需要完成的事,包括应采取的行动以及行动所产生的结果。 Key activities主要职责活动 Major Actions and Supporting Actions 需要做什么/怎样做? Expected End Result 有怎样的结果? Overall goals / Typical measures / KPIs 关键衡量标准 1. 完成《工作评估及主要表现指标制定方案》中的目标。 Achieve the all targets which defined in 《Work assessment and KPIs sheet》 2. 遵守《损失控制业绩标准汇总表》中相关的损失控制职责,遵守与工作相关的法律法规、规范标准。 Fully responsible for the related loss control and comply with local law regulations and related standards 3. 确保以下管理工作符合国家政府的相关规定 Make sure the following activities line with the relevant provisions of national government 1) 新工作场所(含设备设施等)的布局和使用; layout and usage of the new workplace (including equipment and facilities, etc.) 2) 产品质量说明书的管理; Management of the product quality specification 3) 健康和安全管理。 Healthy and safety management 4. 统筹管理广州公司HESQ部门事务。 Guangzhou HESQ department overall affairs management 5. 负责亚洲HES区域性协调联络工作。 Responsible for regional coordination and liaison work in Asia HES 6. 担任ISO、OHSAS等体系审核工作中的\\\"管理者代表\\\"并履行相应职责。 Worked as the \\\"Management Representative\\\" in ISO, OHSAS and other system audit work and fulfill the respective responsibilities 7. 负责生产统筹安置工作。 Responsible for coordinating the production resettlement work 8. 负责特殊项目的实施和工作安排。 Responsible for the implementation work of special projects and working arrangements 9. 公司及上级交办的其它事项。 Other tasks assigned by superiors
Key Competencies 关键能力 ? 十分熟悉ISO、OHSAS18001管理体系。 Very familiar with ISO, OHSAS18001 Management System ? 优秀的学习、应用、分析和应变能力和高度责任心。 Excellent learning, application, analysis, and response capabilities and high sense of responsibility ? 优秀的沟通表达能力和团队协调能力。 Excellent communication skills and team coordination ability ? 优秀的管理和培训技能。 Excellent management and training skills ? 优秀的职业道德和职业素养。 Good occupational ethical and professionalism Expected years of experience 工作经验 ? 十年以上中型生产企业HESQ管理工作经验。 More than 10 years of medium-sized manufacturing enterprises HSEQ management experience ? 对化工企业HESQ管理有深刻认识。 have deep understanding in HESQ Management ? 五年以上团队管理经验。 More than 5 years team management experience Educational Qualifications 教育背景 ? 本科或以上学历。Bachelor degree or higher ? 环境工程、化工工艺等相关专业。 Environmental engineering, chemical technology and other related majors Others 其他 Language: 流利普通话。Proficient Mandarin 良好的英语听说读写能力。 Good English reading, writing and speaking ability Computer:良好的计算机使用技能。 Good MS office Skill
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